Sustainability is important to us
Our and Addtech's vision is to develop and deliver leading technical solutions for a sustainable and bright future. To support our vision, we have set clear, long-term goals for our three sustainability focus areas.
We have committed to achieving the following sustainability targets by 2030:

In order to achieve our visions and goals and continuously develop our business, all Addtech companies work in accordance with this guideline. Sustainability and the development of strong partnerships in the value chain are firmly anchored in the companies.
Our ultimate goal is to grow with sustainable profitability, minimizing negative impacts and maximizing positive impacts on people, society and the environment. We achieve our primary objective by regularly assessing risks and opportunities and systematically working to minimize risks, develop opportunities and achieve our goals.
All our communication - including reporting - is clear, transparent and unambiguous, and interaction with our stakeholders is crucial. At a minimum, Addtech companies comply with applicable laws and regulations. However, we strive to exceed legal requirements and lead by example (best practice).
The Addtech Code of Conduct is the guideline for our business ethics and is binding for all our employees. We always conduct our business with a high degree of integrity. We regularly inform and train our employees in order to integrate sustainability perspectives and aspects into our day-to-day business.
Sustainability goals are also key parameters in the evaluation of company acquisitions.
The Addtech Code of Conduct is also known to our suppliers and is considered the minimum standard for our suppliers.
People and society
We want to be a positive force in our society and ensure good working conditions in our Group and in our supply chain.
- Everyone who works directly or indirectly for an Addtech company is entitled to have their basic human rights respected.
- We do not tolerate discrimination or harassment.
- Our employees are offered equal development opportunities regardless of gender, age, ethnic origin, religion, political views, sexual orientation, disability or other distinguishing characteristics.
- We provide a good working environment in physical, psychological and social terms and strive to be an attractive employer.
- We always ensure a safe and healthy working environment and actively work towards our vision of "zero accidents at work".
- We do not accept employees working under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- We do not tolerate corruption, bribery or unfair competitive practices. The procurement, sale and marketing of our products and services must be carried out professionally and in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.
- We comply with applicable anti-corruption laws and regulations.
- We comply with the tax laws and regulations of the countries in which Addtech operates.
- Addtech is systematically committed to good working conditions in the supply chain.
- All high-risk suppliers are assessed and audited.
Our planet
We strive to reduce our ecological footprint and focus on reducing emissions, protecting nature and biodiversity and using resources sustainably.
- We reduce the impact on the climate by optimizing the transport of goods and the efficient use of energy (electricity, heating, cooling), preferably from renewable energy sources.
- All journeys are checked for emissions, business necessity, time efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
- We work to optimize the use of resources such as energy, fuel, raw materials, waste, water and land in our operations and avoid the use of hazardous chemicals.
- We promote the transition to a circular economy.
- We incorporate environmental aspects into our decision-making processes at an early stage.
Our way forward
We expect our suppliers, subcontractors and business partners to work in accordance with our sustainability policy and our Supplier Code of Conduct.
We firmly believe that the path to a more sustainable future requires partnership and collaboration on a broad basis.
Our sustainability policy is a summary of the underlying guidelines and represents our commitment in this area. For more detailed information, please read our Code of Conduct, Supplier Code of Conduct, Environmental Policy and Equality and Diversity Policy.
The original document and other valuable information on our sustainability efforts can be found at